We’re all in this together

This comic conveys such a powerful message: 

It reminds me that everyone is not so different, that we all doubt our path in life, and we all wish that we could be ‘like someone else,’ assuming they have it easier and undermining our own strength and resourcefulness.

And most interesting thing about this phenomenon: We are embarrassed to share this self-doubt with the world and form the necessary support group we all want.

Why is there a social stigma against people who feel like they need some guidance in their life? We see the stigma reflected in societal embarrassment of self-help books, life coaches, psychics, and therapy. Maybe if we all confided in one another more often, like on a daily basis, to understand that what we are feeling is not abnormal then we could eradicate these stigmata.

People should be proud that their self-improvement and growth is so important to them that they feel the need to seek advice. The person who feels they know it all and wishes to ostracize themselves from other people may actually be ignoring a powerful truth: There is a sort of contagion in certainty, meaning that when others can reach a state of absolute certainty then we too can feel more certain that we have all the necessary resources, attributes, and skills to accomplish our life’s goals.

As social creatures, we naturally need each other for reassurance. So let’s start sharing our thoughts, concerns, and doubts without shame.